

This section is a compilation of several poems inspired by Foxhenge. You may browse through the poems in order or select one from the table of contents above.

Winter Solstice (2008)

The stones of Foxhenge cast
Shadows long and gray on
This winter solstice day.

Darkness is prevailing during
This time of longest nights
And waning light
Marking the gateway of mid-winter
And the sun’s pause before
New beginnings
And the return of longer light.

As the sun stands still, take
Time to reflect on
Life’s mysterious force.

Celebrate the rebirth of the Sun
And Nature’s eternal course.

Happy Winter Solstice!


The Vernal Equinox (2008)

The stone shadows of
Foxhenge grow shorter now
Marking Winter’s passing
With the promise of
Ever-greater light.

There is change in the world
As Spring awakens us
From Winter’s slumber

Let us heed the call
Of the Wood and feel
The surge of life’s mysterious force
As the oak tree experiences the
Sap rise within

Seek the restorative wisdom
Of the Wood and connect
To the rhythm of the Earth
And nature’s eternal cycle

Celebrate this day of days
When time stands still
To give us equal night
And equal light
The power once again
Of possibilities

Hail to Spring—the
Spirit of the Wood awakens!


Stone Shadows, Autumn Days (2008)

Stone shadows are much longer these Autumn days
With each tree and stone silhouetted
In its own elongated ways
The Sun, much lower in the sky
Blankets the landscape with bending rays of piercing light
Creating shadows that dart and dance
Refracting in our sight
There is a coolness in the air as daylight grows shorter
And colors deepen with a palate of purple reds and yellow oranges
That makes Autumn so bright
Change is all around as morning frosts
Turn greens to browns and later to gray
While the air takes on that distinct smell of decay
A dreamscape milieu takes hold
More silent and reflective than before
With a mystery and remorse
That signals Nature’s revolving course
We watch and reflect as our stone shadows grow ever longer
On these remaining Autumn days
The acorn falls for us to hear
And once more it’s that time of year.


Summer Solstice (2008)

The sun stands still on

Mid-summer solstice days
Reaching its zenith overhead
As earth’s shadows disappear
Within its rays.
Midsummer begins
With a tilt of earth’s northern sphere.
All part of the ever revolving cycle
That gives us the shortest night
And longest daylight of the year.

Our gardens respond in full bloom,
Floral fragrances sweet and fresh
Tease the nose with heaven scent.

With birdsong and creatures of every sort
Voicing their presence and intent,
Calling us to also stand still
And experience the solstice moment
And not be so hell bent.

Stop and sense the Now of Midsummer
Before it passes us by in a flash
Our time so quick for us to grasp.

Mark the Summer Solstice
Experience the rhythm
Of our nature’s season.


Solstice Memories

Memories flow freely this time of year.
Each memory a moment in time, past but not separate from us
Documented in photographs and images indistinguishable in year
Marking the journey of lives without a calendar’s linear precision.
Another year older with additional memories for time’s storage vault.
Moments that disappear in a flash despite our efforts to make them last.
What memories will we create in time’s journey this year?
Be present for this season’s solstice moments and time will stand still.
For soon with a wink and a nod, the wheel of time turns and begins anew.
Happy Winter Solstice!
