Welcome to Foxhenge, a very special garden that began many years ago
and whose genesis grew from trips to the British Isles and Japan.
Inspired by standing stones in prehistoric Britain and Ireland, this garden has its own stone circle known as Foxhenge. Creative rock placements start with a cantilevered stone mailbox as you enter the property. The garden has hidden surprises. There are many walking paths and dry creek beds with natural stone sculptures, complete with a stone bridge that overlooks a pond.
The pond, filled with Koi, frogs and lily pads, adds a Japanese style that is further inspired with interesting glacial sandstone rock creations. Granite Japanese lanterns and naturalistic rock formations frame the garden, along with many interesting plants such as dwarf buckeyes, dawn redwoods, Japanese maples, and a variety of grasses and perennials. The spirit of the Zen garden is captured in the central grassy yard with an island rock. Standing stones are scattered throughout the garden in reminiscence of Celtic Britain and Ireland.
The blend of Celtic mystery and Japanese style creates a stone venue with visual interest and spiritual restfulness. The garden celebrates the cycles of the earth. The many walking paths, with benches made of 100-year-old hand-carved architectural stones, create a meditative experience. Psychically far removed from the distractions of modern urban life, the garden is a quiet retreat to look within, to find your own spot to celebrate nature in every season of the year.